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Freddy & Friends Addon Dlc V5 | 1.21.51 | | Christmas Update |
This add-on is compatible with FB&D Bedrock
🐻Welcome to Freddy & Friends Dlc this Dlc will add lot of things that were not added in Fb:d or just a new stuff, Created By CeM with help of Doggy,Egor Kilok🐰
Welcome to Freddy & Friends Dlc this Dlc will add lot of things that were not added in Fb:d or just a new stuff
Stuff in this dlc:
Unwithereds with poses + clothing like vests,pants + new characters like nightbear + springlocked william
Fredbear and Springbonnie + withered variants
Fmr characters like ThirtyNine
Ignited animatronics
Toy animatronics + vests,pants
And more!!
Before making rating try all 3 options for download, after giving me bad rating answer me after i will answer you how to fix the problem!🐰

Content details
Released: December 14, 2024
Updated: February 3, 2025
Nothing new was added
could you add sparky?
Add the scooper and more props for sl
I will try
I can’t install the addon on my Minecraft:(
Did u try to download it with download file and alt download?? (srry for late response i was in school)
Yes I tried to download the alt download, How do I download file?
Can you help me?
the main download is for pc the alt download is for mobile if u are on pc u need to unzip the file and double click the files if u are on mobile u need to download alt download and double click the mcaddon file it will put u in minecraft and it will work
I am gonna to try
(Sorry For the late reply)
I tried, and it says the file is not complete
(I’m mobile btw)
What file did u try to download?
Unwithered Animatronics poses and FaF Dlc v5
but i mean if main download or alt download
Alt download
hello there sorry but I can’t transfer this addon to Minecraft 4 some reason. Can u plz fix and/or explain why?
It should be fixed and I hope you will enjoy new update 🙂 (sorry for late response)
as Hirxs said this is not problem of the addon (but if u play on mobile contact me again in comments i will try to help you)
That’s not an add-on problem… you can search for videos on YT on how to put add-ons in MC